Author: djallyn_ecawhg

  • Let’s Get You Where You Need to Be

    If you were looking for the Soundtrack for my Life, I retired the site about ten years ago, when I left the Sound Engineer business for good.

    It was a good run, I reviewed roughly eight thousand songs here, and became the number one spot for the US armed forces stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq to listen to.  Getting over ONE MILLION unique hits on a blog just blew my mind back then.

    I didn’t have social media or podcasts back then — just a Blogspot – turned MovableType – turned WordPress blog.

    I started in radio when I was a sophomore in high school.  I stayed in radio until 1980 when I started working as a “roadie” for a concert promotion company, and then landed as a touring engineer for Heart and The Steve Miller Band, then went to work for Kaye-Smith Studios as a studio sound engineer.  Eventually, Kaye-Smith became “Bad Animals” the Seattle studio owned by the Wilson sisters.  From there, I went on to being a sound engineer to several grunge bands who hung out at The Music Box, under the Ballard Bridge in Seattle.

    Drugs and time took a toll on me, and I eventually hit my rock bottom.  I left that scene, went into recovery, and then headed North to Vancouver, BC where I spent the next fifteen years working as a sound engineer for the film industry.  It was around then that I started this website.

    Well, I am long-since retired from all of that.  I am back in Seattle, and living the dream of just being an older fuck working a retirement job and just taking life as it is.

    If you see strange shit up here from time-to-time, it’s because I am using the domain as a test crash dummy for some project I might be working on.

    I am killing two birds with one stone here.  Instead of using Lorem Ipsum, I could simply tell you why you can no longer get to the catalogue of music that used to be here.

    I had to close the music database here last year, because I no longer have a license for the music.  Sorry.

    See?  Two birds, one stone!  I get to convey the message of why there isn’t any more music …  and I get to have the dummy text that I require when I design these websites.